Monday, August 23, 2010

Portrait of a Leader

A Portrait of a Leader (Part 1)

At the age of seven, a young boy and his family were forced out of their home. The boy had to work to support his family. At the age of nine, his mother passed away. When he grew up, the young man was keen to go to law school, but had no education.

At 22, he lost his job as a store clerk. At 23, he ran for state legislature and lost. The same year, he went into business. It failed, leaving him with a debt that took him 17 years to repay. At 27, he had a nervous breakdown.

Two years later, he tried for the post of speaker in his state legislature. He lost. At 31, he was defeated in his attempt to become an elector. By 35, he had been defeated twice while running for Congress. Finally, he did manage to secure a brief term in Congress, but at 39 he lost his re-election bid.

At 41, his four-year-old son died. At 42, he was rejected as a prospective land officer. At 45, he ran for the Senate and lost. Two years later, he lost the vice presidential nomination. At 49, he ran for Senate and lost again.

At 51, he was elected the President of the United States of America.

The man in question: Abraham Lincoln.

~ Author Unknown

Many of us are familiar that it takes persistence to achieve victory. However, sometimes it's all too easy for us to think about leaders like Lincoln as "mythical creatures". We think of this kind of leaders as separate from the rest of humanity and empowered by some mysterious quality that smoothes their path towards inevitable success.

Many people think hat leaders are marked out for leadership from early on in their lives, and that if you're not a leader, there's little that you can do to become one.

However, that's not the way we see it now. The modern view is that through patience, persistence and hard work, you can acquire the qualities of an effective leader. And that then, just as long as you make the effort needed, you can lead successfully.

By the way, 'Are Leaders born or made?' is a hot topic of Jack Welch.

The series of these upcoming articles will help you find and develop these leadership qualities within yourself. It shows you how to look inside yourself and understand your own leadership strengths and weaknesses. It helps you build the passion, drive, will and vision that others find so inspiring, and it then teaches you the essential skills needed to turn this vision into reality.


• foundation of the modern view of leadership

• framework to realize your leadership potential.

• map out the structure

Leaders don't wait for an Invitation Letter

What are former U.S. President Lincoln's attributes?

What are the attributes that made him prevail against all odds to emerge as a great leader?

It amounts to sheer determination and a desire to lead, doesn't it?

This leads us to the most basic truth of leadership:

Leadership is a decision, not a position.

Action Steps:

Look around your workplace, your community. Have you seen situations where the person in charge, the boss, did not actually lead? And haven't you come across instances where a person without any defined authority has casually slipped into the leadership role?

Using the worksheet on the next page, list these instances. Note down the reasons you think that the boss did not function as an effective leader. And why was the person without any formal authority able to take over the role of leader?

Please share your comments on this blog! Thank you!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Heart of Business Strategy

We usually think of business strategy as some sort of aspirational market positioning statement. Doubtless that's part of it. But I believe that the number one "strategic strength" is excellence in execution and systemic relationships (i.e., with everyone we come in contact with).
Start to integrate the following 21 rules and observe how your team's engagement improves - which ultimately leads to business growth and success.

1) Say "Thank you" to everyone even peripherally involved in some activity-especially those "deep in the hierarchy."

This works wonders! When did you leave the last time a little thank you note for your direct report or peer?
2) Smile.

A smile can be a door opener and can take the sharpness out of a situation.
3) Don't accept the "blame game."

When a mistake happens, let people take responsibility and give them the opportunity to fix it.
4) Hire enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is contagious. Create an environment of joy and passion which will result in higher performance and better health.
5) Hire optimists.

Optimists know how to take calculated risks which results in innovation and progress.

6) Expose all would-be hires to something unexpected-weird. Observe their reaction.

If they are up to dealing with it, they will be ready with any unexpected situation in business. It also shows you how open-minded and flexible they are.

7) Become a student of all you will meet with.

You can learn from anyone. Be open to new information!
8) Listen and hear.

Not only listen to people; hear what they really say. You learn a lot just by listening

9) Construct small leadership opportunities for junior people within days of starting on the job.

You want to grow leaders and talents within the company.

10) Promote "people people" for all managerial jobs.

Not every super star is a good manager or leader. Choose people with great communication and social skills.

11) Hire and promote for demonstrated curiosity. Check their past commitment to continuous learning.

People who are curious are passionate, and they are willing to learn.
12) Choose diversity.

A healthy mix of people leads to growth.

13) Work on first and last impressions.

It takes only a few seconds to form a first impression about someone. The last impression is what people take with them.
14) Walls display tomorrow's aspirations and yesterday's accomplishments.

Both motivate and give you momentum
15) Simplify systems. Constantly.
16) Add "We are thoughtful in all we do" to corporate values list.

This is one of the highest values for customer loyalty and employee satisfaction.

17) Celebrate success!

Celebrate and reward success.

18) Manage your calendar religiously

Does it accurately reflect your priorities?19) Cultivate and Advisor/Sounding Board

Cultivate one advisor/sounding board whose role is to tell you the truth. Regularly!
20) Commit to Excellence.

21) Put "Excellence in all we do" in the values set and measure everyone on demonstrated commitment to Excellence.