Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Corporate Vision

How important is having a Corporate Vision?

By Helena Nyman

Having a corporate vision is a part of the 3 basic "ingredients" for a successful company.

Together with a powerful mission and high values, you just laid a solid foundation for a successful company.

Often, visions are too vague or are not aiming high enough (which de-motivates your team), or maybe, you have a spectacular vision, but you don't know how to spread your vision accross the company. Larger and global companies have even greater challenges...

In my 'Corporate Vision' Workshops/Retreats, I focus on how to engage not only the board members and C-Level Executives, but everyone across the company - from the top to the bottom.

Sometimes you have to eliminate resisters on your way. Why? I have seen situations where resisters sabotaged projects and spent their time to bring confusion into the company which hindered the rest of the team to give their best. So, if you have any resisters, eliminate them! Fast!

Another challenge for companies is that everybody is excited about the vision, everybody is engaged, and 3 months later, people are back to the old way. They are so involved in their everyday tasks that they lose sight of the vision.

Leaders always ask me what to do to maintain the original excitement about the vision.

My answer is:

Live and breathe the vision, engage and challenge!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I cannot wait to participate in one of your seminars.
