Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are your Actions aligned with your Corporate Values?


Operating philosophies or principles that guide an organization's internal conduct as well as its relationship with the external world. Core values are usually summarized in the mission statement or in the statement of core values.

Would you be able to talk to me about your Corporate Values? Do you know exactly what they are? Do you live by it?

I have recently read the head lines 'Corporate Values are in Vogue' in a Business Newspaper. Whoever wrote these headlines does not really understand Corporate Values.

It is no secret that the most successful businesses that were (and still are) leading companies over many decades, are the ones that have the foundation of the success triangle: Clear Mission and Vision, and meaningful Values.

Values are not just a few words that change depending on what's fashionable at the moment. They are long-lasting. No matter how fast business changes around us (and we have to be ready for change constantly), Values do NOT change. They are a part of the driving force. In his book 'Built to last', Jim Collins writes about his findings after studying for 6 years some of the most successful and lasting Companies. They were Visionary Companies with meaningful Values that had a higher purpose than just serve the company.

How many Companies have the values of providing and innovative environment - but they turn around and punish their teams for mistakes? How can you create an innovative environment if you don't let people try and make errors? Think back of how many attempts Edison and the Wright Brothers had before they were successful. Do you think they ever would have come up with these brilliant inventions if somebody would have constantly looked over their shoulder and put pressure on them not to "screw" it up?

Walk the talk!

Look at the values and give the teams around you everything they need to make these values a part of their daily work.

What are your Company's Values? Are you walking the talk?

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