The Leader is the person who steers an activity, the Follower is the person who performs the activity, and the Context is the situation within which the activity is performed. The diagram shows the way in which the Outcomes that are achieved are dependent on the leader, the follower and the context.
However, what's also shown here is the way in which the Outcomes feed back to affect the Leader, the Follower and the Context. For example, where the outcome is successful and both the leader and follower have been effective, the leader and follower may learn to trust one another more, and the context may become more favorable.
Figure 1 (below) shows how the components of the leadership process fit together.
Figure T: The Leadership Process
(Based on: R. B. Dunham and J. L. Pierce, Managing, Glenview IL: Scott Foresman 1989, Pg 556)

Leadership is therefore a dynamic, interactive process involving all four components. It is a working relationship, built up over time, that involves active exchange. The most obvious interplay is that of leaders influencing followers; but then, followers also influence leaders.
And of course, both are influenced by the context in which the exchange is taking place. The outcomes of the leader/follower exchange can cause changes in the context/followers/leaders, which will then influence future outcomes....
This interaction and feedback is vitally important because it shows the ongoing importance for the leader of investing in the relationship with the follower and in improving the context. Only then can the best outcomes be achieved.
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